A music production company for independent musicians by Alfred García.

Salvar a los Pingüinos (Save the Penguins) is a music production company that aims to protect independent musicians and give them more visibility. With a crested penguin as a symbol, we wanted to represent a lost artist with a rebellious attitude and enormous talent. SALP aims to support all those artists who feel this way: lost in a huge music industry without anyone giving them the attention they deserve.


“Sabemos muy poco sobre los pingüinos y, en general, no nos hemos fijado demasiado en ellos; pero eso a ellos no les preocupa y siguen con su vida, como is tal cosa. ¿qué hace un pingüino durante el día? ¿Qué come? ¿Qué inquietudes tiene? ¿Cómo se comunica? ¿Cuáles son sus aptitudes? 

Siempre he pensado que los artistas son un poco como los pingüinos. 

Muchas artistas tratan de hacerse ver en algún rincón de alguna calle, en una nueva exposición, o incuso en algún programa de televisión. Pero gran parte del público no sabe nada sobre ellos.”

— Alfred García, Fundador “Salvar a los Pingüinos”.

“We know very little about penguins. We haven't paid much attention to them; but they don't care about that and they go on with their lives, as if it were such a thing. What does a penguin do during the day? What does it eat? What concerns does it have? How does it communicate? What are its skills? 

I've always thought that artists are a bit like penguins. 

Many artists try to be seen in some street corner, in a new exhibition, or even on a television program. But most of the public doesn't know anything about them.”

— Alfred García, “Salvar a los Pingüinos” founder.


“Trabajamos por unas condiciones justas para su trabajo. Trabajamos para generar oportunidades e inversión alrededor de su arte. Trabajamos para que los artistas consigan la necesaria libertad e independencia creativa dentro de una industria que está en constante cambio y que, muchas veces, no deja suficiente espacio para que nos fijemos en los pequeños detalles. 

Trabajamos, por tanto, en esos pequeños detalles que marcan la diferencia y que pueden llegar a cambiar el mundo, tanto el exterior como el interior. ”

"We work for fair conditions for their work. We work to generate opportunities and investment around their art. We work for artists to achieve the necessary freedom and creative independence within an industry that is constantly changing and that, many times, does not leave enough space for us to look at the small details. 

We work, therefore, on those small details that make the difference and that can change the world, both outside and inside. "

Brand and Communication Strategy: Paula Ramisa, Clara Nafría.
Creative direction, brand indentity and Web design: Paula Ramisa
Web development: Arnau Tresserras


“Los Espabilados”: Song by Alfred García for the new serie by Albert Espinosa on Movistar.


“Your pet is like you”: A campaign to defend the rights of pets and promote registration.